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Lemon Tahiti: The Third Most Exported Agricultural Product Of Colombia!

Tahiti limes are the most popular variety of lemons having a tart flavor that adds incredible zest to your dishes. Tahiti lemon comes in various shapes, sizes, and flavors, like all other lemons. However, before everything, let's have a detailed understanding of the history of its origin and cultivation procedures. 

What Are Tahiti Lemons? 
Tahiti lemons are also known as Persian lemons. They are one of the most cultivated varieties of lemon in the market. They are thornless, have slightly nippled ends, and don't contain any seeds. Tahiti limes are incredibly juicy, tender, and acidic. They are favored for their tart flavor and can be used in both mixologies, such as cocktails and culinary applications. The best thing about Tahiti limes is that they have a more extended shelf life than other lemon varieties, and they get sold out while green in color even before getting fully ripened. 

Origin Of The Tahiti Lime
Tahiti lemon is also known as the Persian lime native crop of the Indo-Malayan region, which was expanded from India to Southeastern Asia, including the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The lemons were brought to the Eastern Mediterranean region and North Africa through Persia in the 10th century. Later on, the crops expanded to the Western Mediterranean region in the 11th and 12th centuries by the crusaders. 
Tahiti lemons continued to spread in the nearby regions and were finally introduced to Brazil by Portuguese explorers. In the early 19th century, lemons were brought to Tahiti and Australia. In the late 19th century, limes were introduced to California and Florida, where they received immense popularity, replaced Mexican lime, and became widely cultivated in Florida orchards. 
Eventually, Tahiti lime grew massively in Persia, the territory that is now Iran, Mexico, Florida, and regionals of Central America, Brazil, and Israel. Tahiti limes got their exotic name after they were introduced from Tahiti to California in the 1800s. Now Tahiti lime has become one of the most cultivated lemons in the global markets. 

Cultivation Of Tahiti Lime 
Tahiti lemons require a semi-tropical climate, well-drained soil space of about 600mm, and a slight mounding to prevent roots and stem from rotting. The ideal canopy diameter is 4.5-5 meters and provides perfect temperature conditions for the plant. Persian lime leaves will get damaged after the temperature hits 28 degrees F or below. The plant's trunk starts losing strength at 26 degrees F, and death of the plant occurs below 24 degrees F.
Grow the lemon plants away from palms and other large trees because lime plants don't like competition. Initially, water the plant every two days, and when it is fully established, you will need to water it deeply twice a week. Keep trimming the dead branches and leaves, open the central canopy for proper ventilation, and let light dig in properly. It will help limit fungal and bacterial diseases and keep the plant thriving. 
At the initial stages, you can fertilize the plant every 2-3 months, and once the plant is established, you can fertilize it at the end of every March and early April. Furthermore, citrus plants require zinc foliar spray yearly at a new flush. 
If you are looking for an ideal place in Columbia to purchase Tahiti lemons, Seb and Barry is the best place to consider. This company is one of the best fruit exporters from Colombia to the Middle East. So, if you are looking for all the lemon varieties in one place, Seb and Barry have your back. 

2022-11-07 17:04